"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength." Deuteronomy 6:5

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Learning about God's heart through being a parent

Even though I feel like I am not qualify to be a parent, God gave me the priviledge to have two children. Parenting my two boys revealed to me alot about the heart of God. Here are the lessons that I learned:

Lesson 1
Yesterday after dinner when Hebron and I are doing chores, we put Joshie in the exersaucer. But he was grumpy and didn't want to be there so he cried really loud. Caleb, who was playing near by, stopped playing and went over to Joshie to look for the pacifier and gave it to his brother, then he went back to playing with his legos. A few minutes later, the pacifier fell out and Caleb went back to pick it up for him again. After a while Joshie was crying even with the pacifier in his mouth. Caleb didn't know what to do, so he gave Joshie a toy. Seeing what Caleb did really warms my heart to know that Caleb loves his brother. Through Caleb's action I can see that he is a loving and gentle boy. I was so proud of him. I can't stop but to think that God feels the same way if we, as brother and sister in Christ, love and care about each other the way Caleb does with Joshie. And through our actions God can see our character and our hearts.

Lesson 2
When Caleb turned two, his defiance stage also began. Sometime it seemed like we spent all our time disciplining him instead of enjoying him. I really hate to discipline him. But I know it's neccesary in order for him to grow up to be a God fearing man. When he does obey and not trying my patience, I really do enjoy spending time with him and I look forward to be with him on my days off. In the same way, God will discipline us when we disobey. He doesn't want to, but He will. God also blesses us and loves spending time with us when we walk with Him and obey His commands.

Lesson 3
Before Johie was born, I wonder how can I love another child as much as I love Caleb. Hebron and I seemed to pour all our love for children into Caleb. When Joshie began to interact with people and my relationship with him began to grow, I find myself growing attach to him and loving him as much as I love Caleb. I can't imagin my life without my boys because as much as I tried to shape them God is using them to shape me. I finally understand how God does not show favoritism and loves us all the same but in ways that we each need.

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