"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength." Deuteronomy 6:5

Monday, August 16, 2010

Crazy August 2010

I don't know how it happened, but my August schedule are filled with stuff.  We are out of town three out of four weekends.  On top of it all, I am taking two classes this semester instead of one.  To add to the stress, my group in the marketing class didn't do much work.  Therefore, I had to put together the marketing plan in the mist of issues at work and my crazy August schedule.  To show how crazy it is, I have to document all the things that was on my schedule.

July 30 - Final draft of Marketing plan due
Aug 5 - 8 - in SD for Caleb and Annie's wedding in which the boys were ring bearers
               - prepare power point & study while on vacation
Aug 9 - Marketing plan presentation
Aug 13 - 15 - First family camping trip to Point Reyes
Aug 15 - Marketing final exam
Aug 17 - The referral of mui-mui
Aug 19 - Finance final exam

In between the trips, I had to unpack, pack, and study.  It's CRAZY!!!!!!!!  But I am almost done with it.  I really appreciate prayers from my prayer group and Hebron, who did most of the packing and unpacking.  I can really see God's guidance and protection this month.  I can't see how I can possibly survive August 2010, it's only by God's strength and grace that I made it this far.  Only one exam left to go and I can be swimming in Mexico.