"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength." Deuteronomy 6:5

Sunday, November 26, 2006

First Christmas Tree

Yesterday we drove around town to pick out a Christmas tree. Our intension was to get a 6 foot tree. But when we got to this one Christmas tree place that had little trees, Caleb was drawn to those little tree right away. Since it's still early in the season there wasn't any tree in our size because the little they had was sold out. So we left and said that we will go back next week. But on the way home Caleb kept asking why we didn't buy the little tree. He wanted to bring the little tree home. He continued to ask for it even when we got home. I then realized that I wanted the big tree to fulfill my own desire to have a real Christmas tree and not for Caleb. So Hebron and I decided to go back and get him the little tree. Even at this age he knows what he likes and what he wants. For Halloween we took Caleb to the pumpkin patch to get a pumpkin. Caleb picked out a small pumpkin (not those tiny one) that he can carry. All the pumpkins was the same price and as Chinese parent, I wanted to get the biggest one. So I told him to put the small one back and we got the biggest one we can find. After we got home I felt so bad about making him put it back because he really liked that pumpkin. He kept asking for it. So that's why we went back this time for his little Christmas tree. To him that was the perfect tree. So here he is touching and hugging the tree.Caleb helped putting the tree in water and decorating it. Here's how the decorated tree look like. We had a lot of fun. We love our little tree. Does it look like the Charlie Brown Christmas tree?

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