"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength." Deuteronomy 6:5

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Traditions

I love Christmas! It's my favorite time of the year and I hope that my boys will come to love this time of the year not for the gifts, but for what it truly means and for the times we get to spend together as a family. We have decided to start a few traditions to make Christmas a meaningful and memorable time. Together as a family, we read the story of Christ's birth and then acted out what we read. After that we played hide-and-seek to look for the hidden baby Jesus. We then wrapped up our celebration of Christ's birth by making Christmas cookies.

We, as wise men bearing gifts, followed the star in search of baby Jesus, who was born King of the Jews and Savior to ALL.
The Star led us to the baby, who was really Elmo.
Caleb decided that instead of decorating the cookies, it is more efficient if he just eat the candy decorations and watch other people do the hard work.So where was Joshua during all this? He was asleep most of the time, but this is what he looks like now.


Anonymous said...

I like Joshy's photo! Haha!

Unknown said...

whoa! cool hair =)

Anonymous said...
