"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength." Deuteronomy 6:5

Friday, January 09, 2009

Caleb can READ!

Bansoon at Hebron's church in Oxnard gave us a set of Bob books. It's easy books for beginning reader. Last night Caleb can read three of the books in the first set. He didn't read it by memorizing it. He read it by sounding out the sound of each letters in words that he didn't know. I am so proud of him. Since we are sending him to private school, I was afraid that he would struggle academically. But it seems like he is on track.

This is what he read:
Dot has a hat.
Dot has a cat.
The cat has a hat.
Dot has a dog.
Dog has a hat.
Dog has a rag hat.
Sad dog. Sad Dot. Sad cat.
Dog has on a rag hat.

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