"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength." Deuteronomy 6:5

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Our Summer Trip

Dear family and friends,

This year, the Mak family has the opportunity to participate in the Youth Summer Missions Project (YSMP) at Chinese Independent Baptist Church (CIBC). We will be partnering with a number of churches from around the country to minister to Native American youths and churches on reservations in Arizona.

The community on the reservation we are going to is a broken community.  Domestic violence, child abuse, child neglect, substance abuse, poverty is a norm in the neighborhood. Because of the chaotic family dynamic and deprived environment, young people there are not hopeful for the future.  We hope to spend time with the community there to show them that there are people who care and that there is hope.  We want to show them that a loving God loves them and that they are worthy of His blessing.

When we are there, we will be hosting youth basketball camp in the morning while we have cooking classes for the adults.   In the afternoon, we will help with construction projects and perhaps visit a few families.  Then in the evening, we will host Vacation Bible School for children of all ages.  These kinds of free kids’ activities are very well received by the community because kids don’t have anything to do in the summer.

Since the whole family is going, we can foresee a lot of challenges. Hopefully this will be the first of many of our family's trip where we stretch ourselves and serve those who are in need.  There are many reasons why we choose to bring the entire family on this trip. 
1.     We want to model for our kids how we need to love people.  And love is more than making a donation to a worthy cause from the comfort of our home, although it is a great first step.  Love requires action and sacrifice. 
2.     We want to teach our children that they can make a difference at any age and that they are not too young to change the world.
3.     We want the kids to know that not everyone live the way we do and hopefully to realize how blessed they are.

We will be leaving in a few days.  We definitely covet your prayers as we prepare, embark, and serve on this trip.  Would you partner with us and commit to praying for us?  If so, please let us know. 

Please pray for the following:
1.     Be prepared and bring all the necessary supplies.  We have to literally bring everything we need, from musically instruments, to craft supplies, to coloring pages.
2.     Be filled with God’s love as we interact with each and every person.
3.     Our kids to be bold and take the initiative to reach out to children there.  The boys are more introverted.
4.     Be ready to share Biblical truths when given the opportunity.
5.     For our team to have health and safety on the trip (we will be going with a team of 17)

6.     For our team to work well together and also be ready to serve each other.