"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength." Deuteronomy 6:5

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Another Spiritual Birthday

Lately J has been learning in Awana about missionaries and what they do.  He naively thinks that once someone tells a non-believer about God that he/she would become a Christian.  He knew that my parents are not Christian and asked how come we didn't tell Gung-gung and Po-po about God.  I told him that's not the case and some people may choose not to believe. He became concerned for my parents and others who are not Christian.  He volunteer to pray for those who do not know Christ.  So he's been thinking a lot about salvation.

Yesterday, he told me that he is glad that everyone in our family are Christian.  I personally didn't share the gospel with him yet and wasn't sure if he had officially accepted Christ.  I asked him whether he pray to confess his sins and let God know that he believes that Jesus came to die for our sins and rose again on the third day.  He said no.  I told him that he is not a Christian because his parents are Christians or because he goes to church.  Everyone must choose for himself whether we believe or not.  Then I told him that I will show him how to be a Christian after dinner.  So after dinner he reminded me that he wants to be a Christian.

Just like we did for C, we took J to ChuckeCheese to celebrate because the angels are rejoicing.  Praise the Lord that J is thinking about spiritual things and are ready.

Mui's first time to ChuckeCheese.  Loves all the excitement!