"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength." Deuteronomy 6:5

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Our First Snow Trip

This was our first time in the snow with the boys. We went to Twain Harte with three other families from our college years. We rented a cabin in Mi-Wuk village. We had a scary experience as soon as we got to the cabin site. Even with chains, our Nissan van could not make it up the hill leading to our cabin. The car lost traction, slided back a little, and then wedge itself in a bed of snow. We can not go up or down. That was scary because everytime we tried to move the car, the snow wire created friction with the ground and generated sparks. So we got the kids off the car and walked up the hill to our cabin. Thank God the other family had a four-wheel drive and they made it up the hill ok. While my college roommate looked after my kids, Hebron and I took a few shovels and cleared away some snow so our van can slide back down the hill. The next day, our friend brought Hebron out to town to get better snow chains so we can drive home later. Despite of the little set back, our trip was alot of fun. Just three minutes walk from our cabin is a private sledding hill. We took the boys sledding there. The hill is steep enough for sledding but not so steep that it would be tiresome to walk back up. The sledding area is long with a large flat area at the bottom of the hill. With the large flat area at the bottom, we can be sure that we won't run into the brushes. Hebron's picture with the boys shows our sledding area in the background. This sledding hill was the perfect place because it was FREE and we had it all to ourselves. The snow was fluffy and soft and the weather was perfect. We had so much fun we didn't want to go home.

Caleb loved sledding so much that he requested to ride by himself. If you know him, you'll know that this is unusually for him. He usually wants us to ride with him. It just shows how much he loved it. Joshie is not as interested yet, mainly because he didn't want to wear all the snow gear. He didn't want to wear his boots, mittens, and hat. But he still had fun making snow balls.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Our Christmas Tradition

This must have been the 3rd year we did this. Our annual Christmas tradition includes the following:
1. Opening presents and dig into our stockings.
2. Reading of the Christmas story.
3. Playing the "Find the Baby Jesus" game where we dressed up as wisemen to follow the star in search of the baby King.
4. Attending Jesus' birthday party.
5. Making Christmas cookies

This year we didn't make as much cookies because Caleb and I already baked cookies for all his classmates the week before Christmas.
The boys loved being the star (i.e. holding the star) and guiding everyone to find baby Jesus.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Caleb's Christmas Play

This is Caleb's second year in a Christmas play. Last year he was the children wearing the green and the red in front. This year, he was a sheep. He actually participated and sang some songs. He loved playing the sheep and he was excited to see us. Can you find him?

Sunday, November 02, 2008

San Jose Children's Museum

We went to the Children's Museum in San Jose with three of Caleb's friends from school. The boys loved the hands-on experiments. This is Curtis, the friend Caleb plays with a lot at school. Caleb even speaks Cantonese to him. For some reason, Caleb thinks he can only speak Chinese to Curtis. One time I told him to tell Curtis something in English, Caleb said, "Mommy, but Curtis speaks Chinese." Actually, I can relate to that. I only speak Chinese to certain friends.

The boys' favorite exhibit there is the Water Way. It's a water play area with lots of small pastic balls that you can put through tubes and specially designed paths so the water can shoot the ball up high or to another water tank.

Joshie must have spent half an bour here. He loved collecting the balls and feeding it through this tube. The tube sucks the ball in and shoots it out on top into a tornato funnel.

Dai dai loved touching everything.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Harvest Festival

This halloween we didn't go trick-or-treating because the Trans invited us to join them at the Harvest Festival at Joyleen's school. Caleb requested to be Bob the Builder because he wanted to wear the hard hat and the flash light on his head. Joshie was a lion. He didn't want to wear the costum. But we made him wear it anyways. After he got to the festival and saw that everyone wore a costum, he was glad he had one too. Then he quickly got into character and even gave out loud roars.

Melissa went with us, but first we stopped by Chipotle for our annual FREE halloween burrito. I think this was our third year where we wrapped ourselves in foil and got a FREE burrito. Even Caleb got one. Here the boys helped carved the pumpkin. They worked really hard at it.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I'm a Pro

Who's that handsome boy with a great smile?This was Caleb's second time as ring bearer. He's a Pro this time. He knew exactly what he had to do. He walked down the aisle smiling and at a good pace. He stood proudly next to the groom, one of his favorite teacher, smiling at Daddy for a good shot. I'm so proud of him. What a brave boy!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Disney On Ice

Up until now, I have not taken Caleb to see a movie or any kids's show. I fear that movies might scare him or that he won't like the show. And I didn't want to waste money if he didn't like it. My uncle gave us Disney On Ice tickets, so we took the boys. It was a two hour show and it was very entertaining. Caleb talked through the whole thing; asking questions about what he saw and telling us his interpretation of the show. Joshie was the complete opposite. He was sooo mesmerized that he didn't blink and kept his eyes wide open in fear that he might miss something. He also sat very still through the entire show. He didn't even want to eat his favorite gummy candies that I brought for him. He just didn't want to miss a second of the action. Now, they kept asking us to bring them back to the show.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

We visited the pumpkin patch to pick out a pumpkin and some fall decorations. This was our third year going to G&M Farm in Livermore. It became one of our family's favorite tradition. We spent a couple of hours there and had a picnic lunch on site. Family with kids should definitely go, I am sure your kids will love it. We will head back to the farm next October. You are welcome to join us at our 4th annual pumpkin patch extravaganza in 2009. It will be the first week of October, so mark your calendar.

There were many fun things for kids to do at the farm. The boys worked their way through tunnels and dead ends in the hay maze.

The pony rides and cow train were popular kids' attractions. Picking out the perfect pumpkin was not as easy as it seem. Since all the pumpkins cost the same, we wanted the biggest and most perfect one.

This year the farm added a play structure and a corn box. What's a corn box? It's like sand box, but instead of sand, it's filled with corn. The boys loved it. They liked digging in it, being bury in it, and making snow angels. Oh no, corn angels.

Look, yi yi, the boys wanted to take this picture just for you.

Caleb said, "Where are my legs, yi yi?"

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Joshie's nightly releases

Ever since Joshie was a baby, I enjoy going through his night time routine with him. Before he can talk, I enjoyed reading, singing, and cuddling with him before putting him to bed. As a baby, he would put his head on my shoulder and relax all his muscles while I sing him a lullabye. He usually waits for me to kiss him and say goodnight before he flipps over to sleep on his belly.
Now that he can talk and actually have things to say, our time together become a nightly venting session and a time where he tells me about different events. Our conversations usually take place while we cuddle in the dark. Here is a memorable conversation. Keep in mind that we communicate in Cantonese.

Dai Dai: Penguin! 哥哥 mo share bi dai dai uh. (This was triggered after he saw the toy penguin in his Toy Story book.)
Translation: Penguin! Big brother didn't share it with me.

Mommy: Penguin is 哥哥's special toy.

Dai Dai: Daddy thell chiew chiew.
Translation: Daddy threw away my golf club that I used as gun.

Mommy: Mo wan chiew chiew.
Translation: Don't play shooting with the golf club.

Dai Dai: 哥哥 chiew chiew dai dai uh.
Translation: Big brother shot me with those golf club gun.

Mommy: Mo, 哥哥 mo chiew chiew dai.
Translation: No, Caleb didn't shoot you.

Dai Dai: Sook sook gap gui dai uh.
Translation: That uncle squeezed me tight.

Mommy: Bin go sook sook? Sook sook hai ah yi tho?
Translation: Which Uncle? Uncle at Auntie Grace?

Dai Dai: Mm hai. Dai Dai hai quai.
Translation: No. Little brother is a good boy.

Mommy: Jian hai? Dai yow mo hum?
Translation: Really? Did you cry?

Dai Dai: Yow, buck goc Dai hai quai. Daddy fun giao.
Translation: Yes, but little brother is a good boy. Daddy is sleeping.

Mommy: Hai, Daddy fun giao. Dai fun giao too. Good night! I love you!
Translation: Yes, Daddy is sleeping. Dai sleeps too. Good night! I love you!

Dai Dai: Good night! I luv you too!

It's so funny he just jump to another topic. Sometimes in the middle of a sentence. Or maybe it's all related and he doesn't have the words to express it. Humm, who knows.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Big Brother Caleb

Today, we invited the three couples in our small group over for dinner. Hung and Fanny brought Joyleen and Jalen. The kids played well and had a blast together. They chased and followed each other everywhere. Toward the end of the night, I gave each child some chips. Fanny told me that Caleb asked Joyleen if she wanted water and she said yes. Caleb then got her and Jalen some water. Wow! What a good host! I am so proud of him. Caleb is a good big brother. He used to help Joshie take off his shoes when we get home. Recently, he taught Joshie how to take off his own shoes. Caleb is a kind, gentle, fun loving, and obedient boy most of the time. He has his moment where he whines, does not do what he is told, and fight with Joshie. But overall, Caleb is a good boy and we are blessed to have him.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Good bye summer

Wow, I can't believe summer is over already and the school year have already started. This summer was eventful. We went to 7 birthday parties in three months. We didn't even attend all the parties we were invited to. The boys' social calendar is taking over ours. Let's re-cap all the things we did this summer.

- Celebrated Joshie's 2nd birthday at Gymboree.
- Went to Jadon, Jalen, Camden, Isabella, Nathaniel, and Andrew's birthday party.
- Camping at Lassen National Forrest with Uncle Hysan and Auntie Noel.
- Went on SL Marina for a picnic and kite flying.
- Rowed boat at Lake Chabot.
- Visited the Zoo many times.
- Went to a pool party and swam. The boys are beginning to like the water just a little.
- Went to Summer Reading Program carnival at the SL library.
- Went to bowling and miniture golf.
- Took a mini vacation to Gilroy Garden.

Friday, September 05, 2008

First day of school

Yesterday, I started graduate school. I was a little nervious, like I always am. I didn't know how I can balance it with a job and two kids. The first class was not as intense as I imagined. So praise the Lord for that. My goals is not only to get an MBA, but to do it with little or no disruption to the boys' life.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Mini vacation to Gilroy Garden

Since I am going back to school, I thought we need to squeeze a little more fun out of summer before starting the school year. So during the labor day weekend we took the kids to a mini vacation to Gilroy Garden. They loved it, there were lots of rides that's appropriate for their age. This is the symbol of Gilroy Garden. The theme park rescued many circus trees. This is a cluster of many trees grown together to make this shape. They have many other designs.

The boys loved all the rides. We spent a whole day there and we still have not gone on it all.

Joshie loved this fire truck ride so much that he went on it FIVE times. Two time was when we first got there. Then before we left he said it wanted to ride on it again. When I went to get him after the third time, he smiled at me and said, "Dai dai go again." He turned around and climb in by himself. The only way I can get him to stop going on that ride was to lure him to another ride.

This fish ride actually goes pretty fast. Joshie was willing to give up the fire truck ride for this one. He rode on it twice and had a blast.

The boys usually doesn't like to run through water parks, but this time they were willing to get wet. We tried to take them swimming and had water play with them this summer. I think that's one reason why they are willing to get wet. And because Hebron and I were in there getting wet with them. They were soaked.

Noticed my face in this picture. It was more work on this ride than fun. I had to hold on to Joshie so he won't fall into the water and peddle at the same time. To make it tougher, I can hardly reach the peddle. Things a mom is willing to go through for her son.

I can't believe Caleb would ride on this one. It actually spins pretty fast, like the tea cup at Disneyland. He even did it by himself.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

My 21st birthday

I had a good 21st birthday (wink wink). The family went to play miniture golf. My sister babysat the boys so Hebron and I went to shop for jewlery and then to lobster dinner. We didn't do any special, but it was good to walk around with Hebron. We haven't done that in so long.

Caleb loves to miniture golf. Since we live so close to it, he would want to go everytime we pass by. He requested to go this time because he said we haven't gone for a long time. Ah, the future Tiger Wood. He doesn't actually know how to hit the ball. He just drags it into the hole. Joshie, is not much a golfer. He's just interested in throwing the ball and using the club as a pool stick.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Terrible Day

Ahhhhhh, peace and quite at last. No more crying, whining or complaining for the day. Hebron and I had originally planned to leave the boys with my sister and hang out with some good friends in Sacramento and do fun things. I was looking forward to it all week because I had a hard week. While I was going through my week, I forgot to remind my sister about babysitting today. So she forgot and we ended up having to bring the boys with us on our 2 hrs drive. Like I mentioned before, Joshua hates car ride and cannot sit for such a long time. Basically, he will cry and whine until we let him out.

On the way there I was upset at my sister for ruining my plans to have some alone time with my friends and I can't stand Joshua's cry. So we caved in and gave him his pacifier and he immediately fell asleep. He played and did well at lunch. When 4 pm rolls around I knew he was tired because he didn't nap enough and was sick, but he didn't want to nap. So he was one grumpy child. He cried over everything and anything. That was really irritating because I was hoping for a childless day, but now not only do I have to take care of him, I have to bear his grumpiness. Then on the drive home he really needed to nap, but was soo grumpy that he kept fighting it and cried for an entire hour. He went from crying to whining to crying to screaming. Right there, I felt like my day was completely ruined and I was cheated out of a little adult time with friends.

I have always knew that being a parent meant to be willing to sacrifice and be selfless. And I am willing to sacrifice many things for my children. I would not buy things for myself and save the money to get things for them. I am willing to give up my career or slow it down for the sake of them. God has changed me so much inorder that I can be a good example to them. But I am still kinda selfish with my time. I really need and enjoy just a little time doing things that I like to do. Some times giving up my "personal time" is the part about parenthood that I am still struggling with. Now that Joshua is asleep and not irritating me, I have time to calm down, rest and come to my senses. Joshie is usually really good and enjoyable, but when he doesn't get his nap and is sick, then he becomes unbearable. Since I am a Mom at ALL times, I should learn to be willing to sacrifice my rights to "personal time."

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Fun rides

We went to Oakland Zoo today and the boys got on many different rides all by themselves. After Legoland, Caleb began to like going on rides. Joshie have always enjoyed it, now he is actually tall enough for most kiddie rides. I have always had to ride with them, so now it feels like they are all grown up riding on their own. They are big boys now, but the sad side is that they are not babies anymore.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Boating at Lake Chabot

We had a picnic lunch on the boat. This weekend was family time galore. One would think that after spending so much time with the boys I would want to get away for awhile. But no, I was actually alittle sad that the long weekend went by so fast. We had lots of fun.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Joshie loves t-ball

Joshie loves playing baseball. Auntie Melissa gave him a T-ball set. He loved playing it so much that he quickly broke it. After that, he was just walking around and swinging his bat. So I got him another T-ball stand. He can hit that ball really hard and it goes far.

July 4th, 2008

We had lots of fun and lots of quality family time. In the spur of the moment, we went to San Leandro Marina to have a picnic. Caleb flew a kite for the first time. For some reason Joshie wasn't interested.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mt Lassen National Forest

We went camping with Uncle Hysan (Hebron's brother) and Auntie Noel's family at Old Station in Mount Lassen National Forest. There were several small creeks near our cabin. The boys loved playing with the water and being outdoor. They saw camp fires and a motor home for the first time. It was a fun trip, but the drive there and back was looooong. It took us 5 hrs each way. Joshie didn't want to sit for so long. Videos and snacks can only keep him quiet for alittle while. His crying and whining drove us crazy.

This doggie wanted to eat what Dai was eating and Dai Dai loved to feed it to him. Caleb on the other hand was afraid of the dog. Joshie chased the dog away when she got too close to protect his brother.

This was a 1,300 foot long underground subway cave at Hat Creek that just naturally exist due to lava flow some 30,000 years ago from the volcano of Mount Lassen. The cave is 100 feet below ground level and is completely dark and cold.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Joshie's 2nd Birthday

I arranged to celebrate Joshie's 2nd birthday at Gymboree Play & Music because he is so active and loves to climb things. I knew he would love all the activities. Joshie and Caleb had alot of fun and got really sweaty. I love seeing them enjoying themselves and participating in all the activities. Thank you to all our friends who came to celebrate with us. I hope you had as much fun as we did. Joshie had a wonderful birthday because of you.

Happy birthday Dai Dai!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Summer reading program

The San Leandro library just started their summer reading program for children. This program is for children 2 yrs old and up and it runs from now till August 15th. The participating child can read 10 books, write a short summary of each and bring the summaries to the library weekly so volunteers can check it off and give the child points. At the end of the program they will give each participant an invitation to a carnival, where the child can trade in the points for prizes. And I think each child get a small pizza as well. If your child can't write, then they can simply draw a picture about what they read. I just signed up for Caleb and Joshua.

Caps for Sale

I highly recommend this book. It's so fun to read. In Caleb's first year at preschool, his teacher did a play with the kids using this book. It's about a peddler selling caps and a bunch of monkeys took his caps. Caleb played the role of one of the monkeys. Caleb loved it since then and we borrowed this book from the library many times.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

My broken heart

Today while we were away at a wedding banquet, Caleb fell and damaged his tooth. One of his front tooth got pushed back into the gum as a result of the fall. We were really concerned. He seems fine the next day, but he just would not bite with his front teeth. We took him to the dentist and he said to just watch to see if the gum continue to be red and if it still hurts. I guess there is nothing he can do. I might just take Caleb to get a second opinion later.

My heart is so broken to see him hurt. His teeth looked so great and he always smile to display them. Now there is a hole in the front.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Happy Hallow Park & Zoo

Caleb is rather shy and at the beginning of the school year, I noticed that he doesn't play and actively engage with other kids. He would rather play by himself. I got concerned and made more opportunities to for Caleb to play with his school friends. We went over to a friend's house and we hosted a playdate for his friends. I lifted him up in prayers.

Caleb's school closed on the 23rd of May So I scheduled a trip to Happy Hallow with three other moms in Caleb's class. I also brought Joshie with me. I was so excited to see that Caleb joined the crowd and ran around with his friends. He even went on rides with his friends without me. I was so surprised because he usually wants me to ride with him. Praise the Lord for answered prayers.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Family Devotions

We started doing family devotions with the kids in January of this year using this Bible. We love it. It's more a devotional for preschoolers than a Bible. It has colorful pages, introduction to the story with real example, a bible verse that's applicable to the story, and a short prayer for every story. I would say this book has about 60 devotionals. I think this is a good book to use if someone is looking to start family devo with a toddler or preschooler.

Caleb loved it because he loves to read and we also do fun activities afterward to illustrate the lesson further. Joshie, however, can't sit still long enough for it. But he also loves playing the games that we make up. I got this at Costco. It's also available on Amazon and Christian books.

Monday, April 21, 2008


We made our first trip to Legoland in San Diego. It was lots of fun. All the rides are appropriate for Caleb's age. There are a few rides that Joshua was too short for. Of course, Joshua cried histerically when he can't ride on some of the rides and Caleb can. Joshie was excited to ride anything.

Caleb loved all the lego things in miniland and lego statues. He was braver that I expected because he was willing to sit alone on a few rides and even go on some faster one.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter 2008

Egg hunt at Kennedy Park in San Leandro.

This year Caleb actually found some eggs with stuff inside. Last year, he only found chocolate mini eggs.

Unlike Caleb, Joshie wanted to go on ALL the rides.