"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength." Deuteronomy 6:5

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Celebrations this week

This week Hebron and I celebrated our 9th anniversary and his xxth birthday.  He and I are the same age so I guess I don't want to admit how old I really am.  I still think I am 29.  I guess that was a good year.  Anyways, Hebron took me to dinner at Stone Korean at 4th Embarcadero center in SF and then we went to see the musical Wicked at the Orpheum theater with orchestra seats.  I have not seen a musical in soooo long, I think the last one was Mama Mia, which had to be before Joshie (he is already 4).  We don't usually go because it is expensive.  When we do go, we always get the cheap balcony seats where I can't see the facial expression of the actors.  This time we were really close.  I can see their faces.  Wow, what a treat!  Just don't think about the cost.

Yesterday, for Hebron's birthday, we went to Marina in SL for picnic and kite flying.  We brought a tent there and picnic inside the tent.  The boys loved it.  Now, they can't wait to go camping.  Maybe we should start by camping out in our backyard first. 

1 comment :

hmak said...

Thank you for a wonderful few days of celebration! I loved our date and the funs things we got to experience together. And thank you for being so thoughtful and loving for my birthday celebration! What a great weekend! I love you!